Hash browns

You can’t go wrong with hash browns for breakfast. They’re golden, crispy, and warm. The basic hash brown is loved by many Brits across the country. It goes well with beans on a full English breakfast plate and also makes a great snack topped with grated Parmesan.

What, though, is the key to making the right hash brown? From the potato you choose to the golden crunch at the end, it’s all in the details. That being said, here is the BEST recipe for hash browns, along with some tips for making them extra crispy.

The Best Potatoes for the Job

Of course, the potato is the most important part of any good hash brown. But when it comes to this standard breakfast food, not all potatoes are the same. There are many kinds of potatoes in the UK, but for hash browns, you need a potato that is high in starch and low in water. Here come the King Edward and Maris Piper, two types that are easy to find and work great for the job.

When cooked, King Edwards are known for being fluffy, which is great for making the inside soft. On the other hand, Maris Pipers are great for making chips and roasties because they have a crispy outside and a soft inside. These are qualities we also want in our hash browns.

It’s all about getting ready.

It’s not just the type of potato you use that makes the outside crispy and the inside soft and fluffy; it’s also how you cook them. That being said, it is tempting to have hash browns or tater tots ready to cook from the store or buy them in bulk, but there is nothing better than making your own. Here’s how to make the perfect hash brown, step by step:

Things used:

  • 4 big Maris Piper or King Edward potatoes
  • 1. Grate 1 small onion very finely (optional for extra taste).
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Fry food in oil with a high smoke point, like sunflower or veggie oil.

How to do it:

Grate and soak

Peel your potatoes and then chop them into large pieces. After you grate them, put them in cold water for a few minutes. This gets rid of some of the extra starch that can make your hash browns sticky and also keeps them from turning brown too fast.

Squeeze the Water Out

This is the most important step that many people miss. Once the potatoes are drained, grab handfuls of them and squeeze out as much water as you can. You can squeeze them between your hands or wrap them in a clean tea towel or cheesecloth and squeeze the air out of them. To make it work even better, use a potato ricer to press the dressed potato mixture. It’s better for the hash brown if the potatoes are dry.

Tastes good

Put your bowl of dried potato shreds in it. If you’re adding onion to make it taste better, now is the time to mix it in. Add some salt and pepper, but don’t go crazy. You can always change the seasoning afterwards.

Cut and Fry

A cooking pan with medium-high heat should have a lot of oil in it. A deep-fat fryer would be even better. Make cakes out of the potato mixture while the oil heats up. You can choose any size, but keep in mind that the smaller the patty, the crispier the end result will be. The old triangle shape still looks like it was made by a factory. Of course, you’ll still need a little give between the middle and the outside. Use a waffle machine to make them so there is less mess.

The Golden Rule

Press down on the hash brown patties a little with a spoon after you put them in the hot oil. Don’t put too many in the pan; they need room. Fry them for three to four minutes, or until the sides turn golden and crispy. Then carefully turn them over to cook the other side.

Drain and Serve

Take the hash browns out of the pan when both sides are a beautiful golden brown colour. Place them on a plate lined with kitchen paper to drain. This will help get rid of any extra oil and make them crispy.

Have fun!

Serve them right away, while they’re still hot and crispy. These hash browns can be eaten on their own, with your favourite sauce, or as part of a classic fry-up.

There are many tasty ways to use hash browns in your dinner that don’t involve frying them!

Hash browns are often eaten in the morning when you’re feeling really hungry, but they can also be used as a part of any dinner dish because they are crispy and soothing. You don’t have to eat hash browns for breakfast anymore. Here are some clever ways to add them to your evening meals.

Shepherd’s Pie with Hash Brown

Instead of mashed potatoes, add a layer of golden hash browns to the top of a traditional British shepherd’s pie to make it more crispy. Fill your shepherd’s pie with minced lamb, veggies, and gravy, and then put a layer of already-cooked hash browns on top. The filling should bubble and the hash browns should be extra crispy. The result is a lovely mix of layers that will make your shepherd’s pie taste even better.

Buns with stuffed hash browns

As a fun and different way to serve dinner, make individual hash brown bowls. Put the raw hash brown mixture into muffin tins that have been greased to make little cups. Bake them until they’re mostly done and still hold their shape. Put any kind of meat or vegetable sauce in these crispy tubes, then bake them in the oven to finish. They are great for a fun dinner with the family or to wow friends at a dinner party.

Base for a hash brown pizza

Hash browns can be used as the base for pizza that doesn’t contain gluten. Spread the seasoned hash brown mix out on a baking sheet and shape it into a round pizza base. First, bake it until it starts to get crispy. Then, add your favourite pizza toppings, like pepperoni, tomato sauce, mozzarella, or a lot of different veggies. Put it back in the oven and bake until the cheese melts and bubbles. For a different kind of pizza night, just cut it up and serve.

Quiche with a Hash Brown Crust

Everybody loves quiche for dinner, but a hash brown crust can make it even better. Put the hash brown mix into a pie dish and press it down to make a shell. Bake it until it starts to get crispy.

Then, add your quiche mix, which is made up of beaten eggs, cream, cheese and any ingredients you want, like spinach, mushrooms, ham or eggs. The hash brown top should be golden brown and the quiche should be set. This dish is great for a cosy dinner and also tastes great the next day as leftovers.

Hash brown casserole with a top

Adding hash browns to almost any dish will make it taste better. You can add a last layer of hash browns before baking any dish, like a spicy bean casserole, a veggie gratin, or a duck cassoulet. This gives the dish a satisfying crunch that goes well with the soft, creamy layers below.

Hash Brown Bake and Crispy Fish

British people love fish and chips, and hash browns are always a hit. Put half-cooked hash browns in a baking dish, then season white fish pieces and put them on top. Top with cheese and breadcrumbs. In a baking dish, cook the fish until it’s fully cooked and the hash brown layer gets really crispy. The dinner is easy and only requires one dish, but it tastes great.

In Short

Don’t forget that the details are what make a great hash brown: pick the right potato, squeeze out as much water as you can, and don’t rush the cooking. If you remember these tips, you should be able to make a great hash brown, which is a simple but filling dish that is a mainstay of British breakfast (and soon, dinner!) tables.